Welcome to Beacon Primary School
A warm welcome to Beacon Primary School. We are all very proud of our school and our aim is that all children feel the same - Proud to believe in their abilities and confident that they are in a safe and happy environment which allows them to be ready to learn and develop a positive attitude towards their learning.
Beacon is a place where everyone is valued for their individuality and can develop their potential through quality experiences. We feel that effective education is based on a strong partnership between school and home with the child being at the centre. We strive to build good, honest relationships with all our parents and carers. We plan many exciting and engaging activities each term and strive to make learning both challenging and fun. We aim to offer the children first hand experiences on which to build their skills and knowledge.
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- "Pupils are kind and respectful to each other and adults. They have exceptional manners. Pupils take great pride in helping their school community. Pupils behave well in classes and around school. Pupils feel safe in school".
ofsted 2023