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Beacon Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Proud to be learning at Beacon

At Beacon Primary School we encourage active and co-operative learning. Learning is central to all we do. We believe it is our core responsibility to ensure that our children learn, develop and are given a curriculum that is highly engaging, relevant and promotes deep thinking and the desire and passion to be a life-long learner. Our proud to be curriculum encourages children to develop a secure knowledge and learn the skills to become a scientist ... a geographer ... a historian ... an artist ... a performer ... a musician.  

Children are encouraged to be proud of their achievements and our curriculum design promotes many opportunities for children to develop the confidence and a positive attitude towards their learning. Each unit of study is carefully selected to ensure children can deepen their knowledge and remember more. There is a clear continuum of learning which builds upon prior knowledge, ensures National Curriculum coverage, is ambitious and designed to give all learners; particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities or high needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our Proud to be curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills to prepare children very well for their next stage in learning.  

Parents play a significant part in this learning journey. Parents are informed about what their children will be learning and are offered support and suggested ways in which they can play an active role in their child’s development. Work is celebrated and shared throughout the year with parents and the school community.  

At Beacon, our Proud to be values are explicitly linked to all that we learn and all that we do. We are all proud to be part of a learning community.