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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Nursery and Little Explorers

Nursery Provision

Our school nursery is excellent preparation for starting school in reception. Our nursery class is linked to our reception class, so your child will meet the reception class teacher and all of the key adults. It is an excellent way to start school!

If you wish to put your child’s name down on our waiting list, please contact the school office.   Currently, we admit new pupils in September, January and April – subject to availability.

Free Nursery

Each three year old child is entitled to 15 hours of free, government funded, nursery education.  We offer the following provision:

5 Mornings – 8.45am – 11.45am


5 Afternoons – 12.30pm – 3.30 pm

Additional sessions for our Nursery Provision may be arranged by parents. These sessions are limited in number and provided on a first come first served basis. The sessions are charged £15.00 per morning or afternoon session

Where children are staying over the lunch period (this includes children on 15 and 30 hours) parents must pay a daily fee of £5.00 per day. 


If you and your partner work 16 hours or more (or a working single parent) then you could be eligible for 30 hours a week.  We offer this every day from 8.45 am to 3.30pm for children eligible.

Parents need to log on to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to check their own eligibility.

If eligible a code will be supplied to you that school will need to be informed of by completion of a Parent Declaration Form that can be collected from Nursery or the school office. Confirmation of a place will be given by school after our checks with the Authority have been completed.

Please click for Frequently Asked Questions

Little Explorers 2-year-old children

We also offer provision for two-year-old children who are entitled to 15 hours free provision subject to criteria set by local government (please see below).  If the criteria does not apply to your family circumstances, we can also offer sessions that you can pay for and currently one 3 hour session costs £15.00 (up to 5 sessions per week) subject to availability.

Please contact the school office for further information.

National criteria

Children who are in the care of the local authority

Children whose families are in receipt of the following financial support:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit (New Benefits system)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
  • Children whose families receive Working Tax credits and have gross earnings of no more than £16,190 per year
  • Children who have left care through special guardianship or an adoption or residence order.
  • Children on a Child Protection Plan
  • Children who have a current statement of SEN or an Education, Health and Care plan
  • Children who attract Disability Living Allowance

nursery contract.pdf